Biz model exposed: dropshipping

They lied to us…

We’ve all seen them…

Those SO-called “rich” guys in Dubai, driving their brand new Lambo, 

ALL while showing off their $ 1M+ sales on Shopify.

And, well…

What if I told you that these “rich” dropshipping guys are lying to you?

You see,

They DON’T make their money through Shopify, 


Or even through ANY ecom business.

Look, 9 times out of 10,

All these dropshipping gurus make 90% of their income through selling a program.

Whether it’s 1-1 coaching,

A eBook, 

Or a course…

They build an audience and then monetize it.

And in my opinion,

This is one of the most profitable businesses out there.

Sure, building an audience can take a WHILE…

But once you have a loyal following, 

The money you’ll make from your program is more profitable than ANY dropshipping,

Affiliate marketing,

Or even Crypto business out there.

And the truth is,

Most of the “top 5 side hustle” guys on YouTube are doing the same thing.

But yeah, businesses like dropshipping CAN work…

Yet, in my opinion,

It doesn’t compare to getting an audience and selling them something.

So yea all of that to say,

If you’re willing to put in the work,

For a long-term business that makes a LOT of money…

Building a social media following and later selling your product to them is a top choice.

Hope this helped.

