how to outcompete 95% of people

Believe it or not…

Outcompeting 95% of the population is not that hard.

And that’s why today,

I’ll show you the “toothbrush” strategy,

That millionaires like Alex Hormozi used to beat their competition on the DAILY.


Would you rather spend 1 day a week brushing your teeth for an hour,

Or spend 5 minutes brushing your teeth every day?

Cause if your answer is to spend 5 minutes brushing your teeth every day…(I hope it is😂)

Then why not apply this same principle to business?

Most guys slack 90% of the time,

Then randomly burst out a 16-hour workday and think they deserve all the success.

When really, staying consistent is what gets you all the benjamins. 

Now I’m not hating on 16 work days…

If that’s your thing, do it.

But I want to remind you that consistent, daily action is what truly pays off in the long run.

Hope this helps,
